Beaujolais, la passion en partage
Georges Duboeuf
- Cherche Midi
- Documents
- 8 Septembre 2016
- 9782749152448
In 1964 - he was 31 years old -, Georges Duboeuf, born into a family of winegrowers that had lived in the Mâconnais since the 17th century, created his company "Les vins Georges Duboeuf." Fifty years later, the founder has imposed his name on the entire world's tables. Today, his name is identified with Beaujolais Nouveau, which he triumphantly presents, each third Thursday in November, as well as crus from the Beaujolais and Mâconnais regions.
A peerless taster as well as a marketing and communication man, Georges Duboeuf has paired his company's image with the most prestigious names in haute cuisine, show business, the press and literature, from Paul Bocuse to Michel Troisgros, Georges Blanc and Guy Savoy, from Patrick Bruel to Lambert Wilson, without forgetting his dear and utterly loyal friend Bernard Pivot.
In this book, written with the complicity of Jean Orizet whose father, Louis Orizet, was Georges Duboeuf's "pen" for 30 years, the man whom Paul Bocuse calls "the king of Beaujolais" recounts his exceptional commercial and human adventure. Georges Duboeuf is one of those men who makes people love France.
Relié et numéroté sous coffret Objet d'exception, cet ouvrage sur les monastères rattachés au Patriarcat de Moscou présente le travail photographique réalisé par Charles Xelot, avec le soutien de la Fondation Neva. Jeune photographe de talent, Charles Xelot s'est immergé durant deux ans et au cours de 24 voyages dans la vie monastique, afin de s'imprégner au mieux de l'atmosphère si particulière qui y règne et d'en restituer des images empreintes d'authenticité et de spiritualité. De l'archipel de Valaam, sur le lac Ladoga en Carélie, à l'Ukraine, la Grèce et Israël, le photographe a parcouru ces territoires dans des conditions parfois extrêmes, à la découverte de la vie monastique orthodoxe russe et de ses architectures multiples.
Né de la rencontre entre Charles Xelot et les fondateurs, le projet initial a pris une ampleur insoupçonnée tant la richesse du sujet poussait le photographe à explorer toujours plus loin. A chaque étape, la fondation a été à ses côtés pour orienter, conseiller et soutenir la réalisation de ce travail minutieux et passionné. Une fois les images réunies, la fondation s'est donné pour mission de les publier dans un livre d'une qualité exceptionnelle rendant hommage au magnifique travail du photographe.
Les Saintes Demeures de l'Âme Russe est un voyage captivant au coeur de l'orthodoxie actuelle russe, mêlant aspects spirituels, pratiques ou académiques et historiques. La mise en page chronologique par date de création des monastères est enrichie de textes écrits par des ecclésiastiques et des spécialistes. On parcourt ainsi l'histoire de l'orthodoxie russe, de Kiev à Solovki et jusqu'aux sources du mont Athos.
Façonnage : dorures à chaud, relié, dos carré cousu, signet, sous coffret haut de gamme, rembordé et embossé.
- Version anglaise : 978-2-7491-4134-3 - Version russe : 978-2-7491-4158-9 Ouvrage tiré à 3,000 exemplaires numérotés (1,500 en russe et 1,500 en anglais) La vidéo de la réalisation du livre: -
Beauty in my plate ; my beautyfood attitude
Olivier Courtin-clarins
- Cherche Midi
- 6 Avril 2017
- 9782749154022
Lastly, enjoy yourself guilt-free, and smile, you'll be envied !
Thanks to scientific studies, we now know that diet has repercussions on our beauty, just like, moreover, on our well-being and humour.
In this work, illustrated with irresistible drawings by Fabienne Legrand, shows you how to adopt good eating habits that embellish your skin, in other words, that give you a peaches-and-cream complexion'!
This beautyfood attitude isn't a miracle method, and still less a diet, but an art of fine living advocating healthy food that will offer you a dreamy complexion and the smile that goes with it.
With a wealth of recommendations and tips for a diet providing well-being and beauty, delicious, simple recipes that are easy to pre¬pare, like vegan tartare with walnuts, quinoa risotto, the guarana smoothie and even a delicious (and healthy) chocolate mousse, this original and invaluable book will help you learn good culinary reflexes to use every day to reconcile pleasure and health and preserve your beauty capital to the maximum. Lastly, enjoy yourself guilt-free, and smile, you'll be envied !
By buying this book, you help finance research on joint diseases through a gift to the Fondation Arthritis. -
Buildings that produce their own energy and respond to our everyday needs; simple management tools that improve the comfort of our homes making them more economical and connecting them to the world; safer, smarter and more sustainable towns and cities that provide greater mobility, improve communication and make life easier for everyone.
These are just a few examples of the energy transformation that is underway.
The energy world has entered a new chapter in its history, a digital age that will impact our lives as much as the advent of electricity did at the end of the 19th century, bringing with it a groundbreaking wave of innovations that blur the lines between the energy and the digital space.
Across the urban and built environment, new technologies are already advancing the convergence of different economic models with the energy system and infrastructure. This will fundamentally change the energy landscape and give each one of us access to tailor-made energy solutions adapted to our needs and means.
This book Energy 3.0 discusses how these changes will continue to evolve and stimulate growth. It also investi- gates the new tools and services that will be made available to everyone and how the entire energy sector, as we know it, is going to reinvent itself, spurring job creation and the emergence of new energy professions.
On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall "fell'. A generation of young Europeans has grown up since then. For them, the East-West separation of the world and of Europe, the French-German reconciliation, the emergence of democracy on European territory, the elimination of borders result more from history books and historical pieces of evidence. This "Erasmus generation', brought up with the Internet, took to the roads of a Schengen Europe without borders, thanks to low-cost airlines, and developed its vision of Europe through the prism of globalization. Young people who nevertheless ask themselves: what are Europe's place and role in the global world? Is she an aging superpower condemned to decline? What are her assets as she faces the full-blown rise of emerging countries? Would the explosion of migratory flows modify the cultures and identities of European societies? What about the challenges of diversity? Europe, what for? From Ban Ki-moon, secretary-general of the United Nations to the virtuoso pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim, through Inès Sastre, a Lancôme top model; Amr Moussa, secretary-general of the League of Arab States; the Lebanese writer Amin Maalouf; the European commissioner, Viviane Reding; the editor of the top Indian economic magazine, T. N. Ninan... almost 70 great decision-makers, role-players and innovators of the whole world answer these questions sharing visions of "their Europe'. This book also gives a voice to young leaders, still relatively unknown to the general public. They are the rising generation and their opinions - often ruffling - provide the keys to understanding Europe's new assets. A "Europe à la carte', a surprising mosaic, enhanced by previously unpublished and unusual maps whose pertinent features illuminate today's realities; maps that often have more to say than long analyses. A book of curiosities that will most certainly awaken in the reader a new "desire for Europe'.
Cape to Cape ; from North Cape to Cape of Good Hope
- Cherche Midi
- 1 Février 2010
- 9782749116532
Renault trucks a unique visions -anglais-
Patricia Kapferer
- Cherche Midi
- Les Marques Emblematiques
- 20 Octobre 2005
- 9782749104874
La marque rouge ; Shanghai, luxury, art & memory
Catherine Becker
- Cherche Midi
- 1 Décembre 2014
- 9782749141572
Un miroir de la société chinoise entre art contemporain et marques.
La « modernité » chinoise s'est construite sur deux piliers d'argile, le silence de sa propre mémoire et le risque d'inféodation aux marques internationales. Ces dernières ont cristallisé, en moins de deux décennies, la transformation d'un système sociopolitique, la volonté d'une classe moyenne émergente de s'appuyer sur des symboles internationaux pour exister. L'art contemporain, d'abord en rupture et critique, s'est construit ensuite au coeur de l'économique.
Mais le nouveau contemporain chinois ne s'esquisse-t-il pas à travers la confrontation de l'art et des marques, et les possibilités de résistances et d'échappatoires ?
Innovation takes off : european research in aeronautics
Gérard Maoui
- Cherche Midi
- 15 Septembre 2016
- 9782749152325
Discover the European aeronautics coming decades.
Global air transport is experiencing a steady growth, which is forecasted to continue over the coming years and decades. The aeronautical industry is a key sector of the European economy in a highly competitive international context. In order to ensure the environmental sustainability of this growth, while strengthening Europe's place among the worldwide frontrunners for preserving and creating jobs in this sector, European and national authorities have mobilised, together with industry. Clean Sky is the flagship of a vast effort which spans from science to technological innovation. A public-private partnership, this so-called "Joint Undertaking' is a new kind of structure, a joint effort of the European Commission and hundreds of industrial aeronautical firms. Started in 2008, it has since been widened through a considerable financial increase, within the framework of Europe's most ambitious research programme ever, Horizon 2020. The point is to imagine, foster and test innovative technologies in order to reduce, in particular, the acoustic impact and carbon footprint of aircraft. Those projects make reference to well-defined directions in research and development, favour rational investment and promote cooperation between industry, research centres, universities and Small and Medium Enterprises.
But just how will the European Union contribute to progress in the field of excellence which is aeronautics? Join us in discovering what is in store for the coming decades, in the spirit of a shared adventure, combining imagination with real-life experiences which shed light on the stakes, not only for science and the environment, but also for society and the economy. It is an enterprise which lifts the curtain equally on the will of public authorities and on private players, participating together for the good of a European dream, founded on that which is most promising: research and innovation. -
The house of mathematics
Cédric Villani, Jean-Philippe Uzan, Vincent Moncorgé
- Cherche Midi
- 21 Septembre 2017
- 9782749156439
How do mathematicians go about their work ?
A wander down the corridors of the Institut Henri Poincaré, the French house of mathematics, might provide a few answers. Mathematician Cédric Villani and physicist Jean-Philippe Uzan invite you to explore their universe and the people init. Vincent Moncorgé's stunning photos guide you through the often mysterious process of how science happens.
The many aspects of mathematics, be they scientific, aesthetic, poetic, are presented from a variety of perspectives : the abundant sources of inspiration for researchers, the deep well of their creativity, the imaginary world of mathematics in literature and art, not forgetting the mathematicians themselves.
Travel to the heart of this mathematical haven, a French-style campus attracting hundreds of visiting researchers from around the world. Known for its scientific emulation and discussions, this unique institution is a key contributor to the reputation of the French mathematical school. -
L'oeuvre de Li Chevalier possède la magie des paysages de silence et de méditation. Elle fait figurer sous nos yeux cet écart cher à François Jullien qui rassemble les cultures au lieu de les diviser et nous élève au-delà de nos principes obsolètes d'identités culturelles. Son esthétique de la beauté interroge le dialogue universel sur tout ce qui nous relie. Elle trace un chemin pictural et philosophique qui nous mène d'une géographie du mystère à une profonde réflexion sur nos modes de pensée, hors d'une quelconque hégémonie artistique, comme le définit Nicolas Bourriaud en parlant d'alter-modernité.
Elle ouvre ainsi un champ infini de contemplations, de vides et de pleins, autant de corrélations subjectives entre la grande tradition chinoise et les confins de l'Occident.
Son art singulier s'explore alors en fragments qui forment une terre à la matière fertile, tracée à l'encre et portée par la musique, la poésie et la philosophie. Nous sommes emportés du semblable vers le commun.
Son langage fécond fait s'entrelacer des relations inédites entre l'homme et la nature - le divin - dont surgit un autre possible, ce « bien connu qui n'est pas connu » dont parle Hegel.
Si l'art ne devait servir qu'à une seule chose, ne serait-ce pas celle de nous contraindre à mettre notre raison à l'épreuve, à déployer d'autres ressources spirituelles ? Les toiles de Li Chevalier ont ce pouvoir, à la fois figuratives et abstraites, d'hier et d'aujourd'hui : « Alors, nous ne pouvons entrer que pas à pas dans ce qui nous dépasse et nous transfigure. L'oeil ouvert et le coeur battant.», comme nous le dit François Cheng.
Cette première monographie majeure de l'oeuvre de Li Chevalier est préfacée par Luc Ferry puis commentée par Gérard Xuriguera, Raphaël Enthoven, Emmanuel Lincot, François Jullien, Geneviève Galley et Daniel Bougnoux. Chacun à leur manière, philosophes et critiques d'art évoquent un parcours exceptionnel entre la Chine et la France et tracent avec l'artiste des Trajectoires de désir, hymnes à la beauté du monde et odes à la nature et à l'art.
In December 1977, a strange word entered our everyday lives: RER.
The idea was revolutionary at the period: inventing a wide-gauge metro that crossed Paris and the Paris region at high speed from east to west and from north to south and directly connected it to many districts in Paris. The RER incarnated French modernity in the same way as the CNIT or later the TGV. It gave the Île-de-France its current physiognomy and is reinventing itself daily to face up to its tremendous success. This book presents the challenges of this history, political as well as sociological and cultural. Its goal is to shed light on the almost «intimate» relationship of passengers to the RER which so closely touches our lifestyles, our daily experiences, even our language.
At the approach of Grand Paris, whose backbone the RER will be, this book draws a passionate portrait of a region not like any other through narratives, illustrations, plans, photographs and extracts from films and books. In the end, Île-de-France residents or not, we all belong to the RER generation !
Le génie des gènes ; the ingenuity of genes
Lauriane Geffroy, Pierre Tambourin
- Cherche Midi
- 8 Mars 2018
- 9782749155883
Il y a vingt ans débutait le grand programme de cartographie et de séquençage du génome humain. Depuis, les gènes nous livrent peu à peu leurs secrets et permettent d'envisager de formidables applications dans le domaine de la santé humaine et de l'environnement. Une révolution scientifique est en cours... La génomique et l'avènement des biotechnologies permettent le développement de thérapies innovantes, capables tour à tour de combattre des cellules cancéreuses ou de restaurer un système immunitaire défaillant. Elles accompagnent aujourd'hui l'essor d'une nouvelle médecine prédictive et personnalisée, mais aussi l'émergence de nouveaux procédés industriels plus écologiques.
Comprendre ce que sont les gènes, mieux appréhender la génomique et le domaine émergent de la biologie de synthèse, est fondamental pour mesurer la portée des grandes avancées scientifiques récentes. Les auteurs nous y invitent en ouvrant les portes de Genopole, premier biocluster français qui participe à cette formidable exploration du vivant, et en donnant la parole aux chercheurs incontournables du domaine.
Le génie des gènes souffle sur cet ouvrage qui fournit de nouvelles clés de compréhension de la génétique et aborde les questions éthiques et sociétales soulevées par les biotechnologies de demain.
Avec les entretiens de Bernard Barataud, Marc Delcourt, Jean-François Deleuze, Alain Fischer, Philippe Marlière, Marc Peschanski, Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet, Jean Weissenbach.
Hydrogen is the new oil ; how 7 energy battles are giving birth to a carbon-free world
Thierry Lepercq
- Cherche Midi
- 9 Mai 2019
- 9782749158891
Clean, almost infinite, universally available energy from the sun, wind and water? And easy to transport over long distances and to store for months? And so cheap that it could match the price of an oil barrel as early as 2020?
In barely a decade, 7 global energy battles have shaped up: shale oil and gas and the reversal of peak oil, super competitive solar and wind power, cheap batteries and the electrification of transport, the digitalization of power grids, the descent of energy companies into stranded assets, the geopolitical emergence of China and, most important of all, spiraling climate change.
These battles are now converging into a historic convulsion, abruptly opening the gates of renewable hydrogen and sealing the inexorable decline of the world of fossil fuels. The time has come for a new, zero-carbon energy world order!
«Cooking is living... and living is cooking»... This motto has guided me my whole life, and today more than ever, it is at the very heart of my approach as a woman and a chef. So after 25 years of wonderful gastronomic moments, I wanted to create a new restaurant, find an exceptional location, open to the city, open to life; a neighbourhood address encouraging encounters and sharing, confidences as well as bursts of laughter; a house of taste that combines rigour and simplicity, small plates from here and delights from elsewhere, grandmothers' recipes and haute-couture cocktails; an epicurean and elegant living environment in which everyone very simply feels good.» H. D.
Hélène Darroze invites us in this book to her new restaurant and has us discover over 60 original recipes specially created for Jòia.
Faithful as ever to the southwestern France of her childhood, through already iconic dishes like Uncle Claude's mussels, the famous short ribs of Angus beef, crispy potatoes with Basque sheep's-milk cheese and rosemary, wild mushroom's like at Amaïa's, new carrots roasted with manuka honey, mille-crêpes with matcha tea, madeleines with lemon and olive oil, Hélène Darroze enchants us through a unique alchemy that is her signature; a mixture of marvellous products cooked with a master's hand, sprinkled with love and tenderness. A gastronomy that resembles her: warm and generous.
Drawing strengh from the inifitely small ; la force des infiniment petits
Abbé pierre
- Cherche Midi
- 7 Novembre 2019
- 9782749164120
As a defender of the excluded and the most deprived, a resistance fighter, an MP after the French liberation and the founder of Emmaus in 1949, Abbé Pierre tirelessly led the fight for peace, justice and human development. Known internationally as a man of compassion and generosity, he remained steadfast in his belief that another world was possible; one that was both fair and fraternal.
Abbé Pierre speaks to everyone, from the humblest to the most privileged, using common sense and humour to both move and convince, awakening the urge to seek understanding and making the world's complexities accessible.
Confronted with the challenges of the 21st century, its blatant injustices and its murderous and destructive excesses, Abbé Pierre's sound political reflections and admonitions are more relevant than ever.
The texts gathered in this work come from Abbé Pierre's personal archives, his numerous conferences and articles, and from thousands of hours of sound recordings, transcribed here for the very first time.
Beauty in my recipes
Olivier Courtin-clarins, Nathalie Carnet, Fabienne Legrand
- Cherche Midi
- 18 Juin 2020
- 9782749165363
In an ever more active approach to research on well-being and beauty, after Beauty in my plate, Dr Olivier Courtin-Clarins shares his beautyfood attitude here by presenting 48 seasonal recipes, original and easy to make, some of which were created by chefs.
In this new work, he wishes to show that beauty also comes from the plate because we are truly the reflection of what we eat. Aren't we told that «we have dull skin,» that «we're yellow as a lemon» or that «we have a peaches-and-cream complexion»?
Between a notebook of recipes and practical advice for the skin, this book offers many ways to imagine your recipes in a balanced, sustainable, seasonal and committed way. Dr Olivier Courtin-Clarins doesn't impose rules but wants to share his philosophy: what is good for the body and mind is also good for the complexion and «eating responsibly» contributes to respect for the planet.
The recipes, conveniently organized in monthly menus, are enriched by a host of tips, nutritional advice on nutrition and anti-waste ideas.
And as humour is a genuine taste-enhancer, Fabienne Legrand's illustrations delightfully spice up the text and the recipe photos.
A creative and lively immersion with recipes respecting raw materials, the seasons, the producers and our Earth.
Reading this book will give you a burst of well-being blended with culinary pleasures and joyous energy.
This book is sold for the benefit of a solidarity action initiated by CLARINS.
For the first time, Hélène Darroze, in this book, offers us recipes that she cooked, created and photographed, at her home, with her two daughters. You'll discover glimpses of this intimate setting through her grandmother's chequered tablecloth, her personal photos, her tips and secrets, as well as in the famous dishes of her native South-western France. It is a return to one's sources in which one cooks with good products, with tenderness and passion, for those one loves: the best ingredients to make spontaneous, generous, authentic and irresistible recipes!
You'll find over 50 recipes among which: «Honey-glazed pumpkin soup,» «Potato and Béarnaise andouille cake,» «Tarte tatin with chicory heads and cumin,» «Risotto with ceps,» «Hake from Saint-Jean-de-Luz 'Ttoro' style,» «Milk-fed leg of lamb from the Pyrénées roasted with garlic,» «Blanquette of veal,» «Pork sausage with whole-grain mustard,» «Lemon loaf,» «'Grandmother's' apple tart,» «Melting chocolate cake,» etc.
After Chez moi Automne-Hiver [At My Home, Autumn-Winter], here is the second volume devoted to spring and summer recipes.
After a first volume devoted to autumn and winter recipes, Hélène Darroze invites us here to celebrate warm sunny days with recipes prepared with her daughters and photographed in the privacy of her home. Simply and spontaneously, she shares her tips and advice with us for making delicious and authentic dishes to be savoured with friends or family when fine weather arrives. A genuine ode to sharing and gourmandise, in the sun of her native south-western France!
You'll find, among others, in this book with over 50 recipes: «White asparagus from the Landes, egg and caper sauce,» «Tarte Tatin with new shallots, honey and rosemary,» «Risotto with cooked and raw green asparagus,» «Roasted langoustines in their shell with salted butter,» «Black bream roasted on a platter with fava beams and confit lemon,» «My grandmother Charlotte's stuffed tomatoes,» «Pure pork sausage in puff pastry with mustard and cumin,» «Fromage blanc tart rhubarb and strawberry compote with elder blossom syrup,» «Omelette with cherry preserves and fresh mint,» «All-chocolate cake with strawberries» and so many others...
From new apps on our cellphone to car-sharing, from the invasion of drones to the reorganization of production lines, from tweets to digital tablets and procreation methods, from genetic manipulations to nanotechnologies, innovation is everywhere.
It has penetrated and turned upside-down all the economic, social, cultural and political sectors.
Nothing escapes it. Nothing can survive without it. Permanent innovation, that headlong search for the new, is the originality of our period.
What world are we living in?
How can we find our way in a profusion like this?
How can we evaluate the meaning and usefulness of this general and growing agitation of our societies?
What universe is being prepared?
For three years, at regular morning sessions, we invited the most diverse personalities: heads of major groups and startup creators, scientists and philosophers, elected officials and physicians, foreign and French experts in many fields. They tackled every subject: the energy and digital transitions, the biological revolution, green mobility, new towns, those consumers who have become actors.
Everything moves! Montaigne was right: «Our world eternally turns around.» Here is a modest contribution to the portrait of our modernity.